Friday, January 15, 2010


Part 1:
10-12 lemons (organic preferred - since you use the peel)
1 750ml bottle vodka (100 proof is best)

Peel the lemons making sure not to get any white pith, which is bitter. Put all peels in a glass pitcher. Pour vodka over the peels, seal the pitcher with saran wrap and a rubber band, and store in a cool dark place for 1-2 weeks. I imagine the longer you store it, the more lemony it gets!

Part 2:
3 cups water
2 1/2 cups sugar

Bring water and sugar to a simmer until sugar dissolves to make a simple syrup. Remove from heat and let cool to room temp. Pour vodka through a strainer to remove lemon peels. Mix with simple syrup. Transfer the limoncello to two smaller bottles and store in the freezer.

Part 3:
Serve straight from the freezer. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cooking Club 1.14.10

Next cooking club will be an Italian theme!  We will meet at Erin's around 6.  See you there!